

饶 刚












Email: raogangss@126.com


饶刚,西南石油大学地球科学与技术学院研究员、博士生导师、中国地质大学(武汉)兼职教授,入选四川省天府峨眉计划”创新领军人才、自然资源部高层次科技创新团队、四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选和浙江省海外高层次留学回国人才,主要从事活动构造与地质灾害、构造地貌学、含油气盆地构造精细解析相关教学科研工作,重点关注褶皱-冲断带的构造几何学和运动学演化、活动构造三维生长及其地貌响应机理等。目前为止,主持国家自然科学基金、四川省自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金等10余项纵向研究课题,发表SCI/EI学术论文50余篇。其中,以第一/通讯作者发表Nature Communications等国际SCI论文20余篇。

近年来,担任了“地质学”第四轮学科评估专家,国家自然科学基金、浙江省自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金、海南省自然科学基金通讯评审专家,中国石油科技创新基金评审专家,中国地震学会地震地质专业委员会和青年科技工作委员会委员,Frontiers in Earth Science副主编、《地质力学学报》编委、《地质通报》青年副主编、《大地构造与成矿学》、《中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)》和《断块油气田》青年编委、《石油科学通报》执行编委;获得浙江大学林百欣高科技奖、浙江大学优秀班主任、Journal of Earth Science期刊优秀作者等荣誉称号;所指导的研究生获得包括国家奖学金、李四光优秀博士研究生奖、浙江大学优秀毕业生和优秀博士论文等荣誉称号。







2021- 现今 西南石油大学地球科学与技术学院 研究员、博士生导师

2013-2021 浙江大学地球科学学院 特聘研究员、博士生导师

2012-2013 京都大学地球物理系 从事博士后研究

2009-2012 静冈大学理学部 环境与能源系统 理学博士

2006-2009 浙江大学地球科学系 构造地质学 直博研究生,后获得日本文部省奖学金出国留学

2002-2006 浙江大学地球科学系 地质学 理学学士


Ø 2023~2026:国家自然科学基金面上项目-"数值模拟研究褶皱三维生长及其地貌演化",项目负责人;

Ø 2023~2025:大陆动力学国家重点实验室开放课题基金-"渭河地堑北缘流域地貌特征及其主控因素研究",项目负责人;

Ø 2020~2024:国家自然科学基金"多相介质超重力相演变"基础科学中心项目研究课题-"青藏高原东缘高山-峡谷地貌演化与浅表地质灾害形成机制",课题负责人;

Ø 2022~2024:地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室开放基金-"2021年泸县6.0级地震发震区构造解析",项目负责人;

Ø 2022~2024:自然资源部深地科学与探测技术实验室开放课题-"川南构造叠加区断裂模型构建及其地震指示意义",项目负责人;

Ø 2020~2023:国家自然科学基金委川藏铁路重大基础科学问题专项项目-"青藏高原东南部深浅物质结构、构造变形与动力学过程",参与;

Ø 2022~2023:四川省自然科学基金面上项目-"宜宾地区柏树溪断裂构造分析及其地震风险指示意义",项目负责人;

Ø 2020~2023:地震动力学国家重点实验室开放基金-"滑脱层对褶皱-冲断带构造变形的控制及其发震构造意义",项目负责人;

Ø 2019~2022:科技部第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究专题-"青藏高原不同地块的隆升过程与动力学机制",参与;

Ø 2019~2020:自然资源部构造成矿成藏重点实验室开放基金-"准南褶皱-冲断带多期次多滑脱层构造变形研究",项目负责人;

Ø 2016~2018:国家自然科学基金青年项目-"陕西渭河盆地正断层构造活动分段及迁移性特征研究:基于地貌学和10Be原地宇宙成因核素年代学约束",项目负责人;

Ø 2015~2017:国家海洋局海底科学重点实验室开放基金-"东非莫桑比克基林巴地堑盆地活动正断层的构造变形特征研究",项目负责人;

Ø 2015~2017:浙江省自然科学基金面上项目-"浙江省镇海-温州断裂带活动构造特征及古地震活动性研究",项目负责人;

Ø 2015~2016:教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金-"陕西渭河地堑盆地正断层活动迁移性特征及其地貌响应关系研究",项目负责人;

Ø 2014~2015:中央高校基本科研业务费青年科研创新专项-"内陆活动断层与大地震发震构造特征研究",项目负责人;


主编特辑/专刊 (Guest editor/associate editor):

3. "Lithosphere and Surface Processes of the Sichuan Basin and Surrounding Areas: Resources and Environmental Effects" edited by Gang Rao, Wei Chen, Dan-Ping Yan, Yuntao Tian, Bin Deng, Gang Luo, Jonny Wu, Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023.

2. "Active Fold-and-Thrust Belts: From Present-Day Deformation to Structural Architecture and Modelling" edited by Gang Rao, Renqi Lu, Maryline Le Béon, Bernard Delcaillau, Jonny Wu, Fabien Graveleau, Frontiers in Earth Science, 2021.

1. "Active Tectonics and Paleo-Environment in East China" edited by Sanzhong Li, Jianmin Hu, Gang Rao, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2020.
代表性期刊论文(Selected journal articles

40. Xiaofeng Wang, Xiaohan Yin, Tonghui Liu, Xuan Li, Hongming Wang, Yaqi Zhong, Gang Rao* (2025). Morphotectonic analyses of LiDAR-derived DEMs: Insights into tectonic activity of the Xinhua Fault within the Three Gorges Area (central China). Journal of Earth Science, doi:10.1007/s12583-024-0150-9

39. 熊小林, 张金武, 孟 也, 花吉清程 辉陈志宇, 尹 超刘嘉伟杨文雄, 钟雅琪, 饶 刚* (2024). 四川盆地西南部多期叠加变形构造解析:以自流井背斜为例. 地质通报, 43(10), 17881800.

38. Gang Rao*, Wei Chen, Dan-Ping Yan, Yuntao Tian, Bin Deng, Gang Luo, Jonny Wu (2024). Editorial: Lithosphere and surface processes of the Sichuan Basin and surrounding areas: Resources and environmental effects. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12, doi:10.3389/feart.2024.1435918

37. Bernard Delcaillau, Fabien Graveleau, Gang Rao, Maryline Le Béon, Dimitri Delcaillau (2023). Fluvial styles during fold growth: An example from the eastern segment of the Qiulitage and Yakeng folds, southern Tian Shan, China. Geomorphology,443, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108933

36. 王锦涵,石许华,陈汉林, ,章凤奇,程晓敢, ,邓洪旦,龚俊峰,舒远海,白卓娜(2023)."V"型共轭走滑断裂:特征、形成机制及其对青藏高原东南缘晚新生代变形的启示.地球科学,48(4),1421–1440.

35. Lin Gao#, Chuanqi He#, Gang Rao*, Ci-Jian Yang, Xiaoping Yuan, Jingtao Lai, Pengcheng Tang, Lei Wu (2023). Numerical examination of the geomorphic indicators for lateral fold growth. Geomorphology, 432, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108702  

34. Wenkai Chen, Gang Rao, Dengjie Kang, Zhifan Wan, Dun Wang (2023). Early Report of the Source Characteristics, Ground Motions, and Casualty Estimates of the 2023 Mw 7.8 and 7.5 Turkey Earthquakes. Journal of Earth Science, 34(2), 297–303. doi:10.1007/s12583-023-1316-6 

33. Bernard Delcaillau, Fabien Graveleau, Dimitri Saint-Carlier, Gang Rao, Maryline Le Béon, Julien Charreau, Maelle Nexer (2022). Geomorphic analysis of active fold growth and landscape evolution in the central Qiulitage fold belt, southern Tian Shan, China. Geomorphology, 398, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.108063

32. Gang Rao*, Maryline Le Béon, Renqi Lu, Fabien Graveleau, Jonny Wu, Bernard Delcaillau (2021). Editorial: Active fold-and-thrust belts: From present-day deformation to structural architecture and modelling. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, doi:10.3389/feart.2021.816157

31. Chuanqi He#, Ci-Jian Yang, Gang Rao*, Duna C. Roda-Boluda, Xiaoping Yuan, Rong Yang, Lin Gao#, Li Zhang (2021). Landscape response to normal fault linkage: Insights from numerical modeling. Geomorphology, 388, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.107796

30. Chuanqi He#, Ci-Jian Yang, Jens M. Turowski, Gang Rao*, Duna C. Roda-Boluda, Xiao-Ping Yuan (2021). Constraining tectonic uplift and advection from the main drainage divide of a mountain belt. Nature Communications, 12, 544, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-20748-2

29. Gang Rao*, Chuanqi He#, Hanlin Chen, Xiaoping Yang, Xuhua Shi, Peng Chen, Jianmin Hu, Qi Yao, and Ci-Jian Yang (2020). Use of small unmanned aerial vehicle (sUAV)-acquired topography for identifying and characterizing active normal faults along the Seerteng Shan, North China. Geomorphology, 359, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107168

28. Chuanqi He#, Ci-Jian Yang, Gang Rao*, Xiao-Ping Yuan, Duna C. Roda-Boluda, Yali Cheng#, Rong Yang, Li Zhang, Qi Yao (2020). Seismic assessment of the Weihe Graben, central China: Insights from geomorphological analyses and 10Be-derived catchment denudation rates. Geomorphology, 359, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107151

27. Lin Gao#, Gang Rao*, Pengcheng Tang, Jianhua Qiu, Zhenyu Peng, Yangwen Pei, Yangli Yu, Bo Zhao, Renfu Wang (2020). Structural development at the leading edge of the salt-bearing Kuqa fold-and-thrust belt, southern Tian Shan, NW China. Journal of Structural Geology, 140, doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104184

26. Hanxue Li#, Gang Rao*, Jianhua Qiu, Chuanqi He#, Lin Gao# (2020). The characteristics of active deformation and strain distribution in the eastern Tian Shan. Geological Journal, 55, 7227–7238. doi:10.1002/gj.3886

25. Sanzhong Li, Jianmin Hu, Wei Shi, Gang Rao (2020). Active Tectonics and Change of Paleo-Environment in East China: Preface. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 191, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.104202

24. Hakro Ahmed Suhail, Rong Yang, Hanlin Chen, Gang Rao (2020). The impact of river capture on the landscape development of the Dadu River drainage basin, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 198, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104377

23. Julien Charreau, Amandine Sartégou, Dimitri Saint-Carlier, Jérôme Lavé, Pierre-Henri Blard, Stéphane Dominguez, Sheng-Li Wang, Gang Rao, ASTER Team (2020). Late Miocene to Quaternary slip history across the Qiulitag anticline in the southern Tianshan piedmont. Terra Nova, 32(1), 89-96. doi:10.1111/ter.12439

22. , , (2020).库车坳陷西段盐构造二维平衡恢复与复原构造剖面分析.地质学报, 94(6),1727–1739.

21. Gang Rao*, Chuanqi He#, Peng Chen, Zhonghai Wu, Jianmin Hu, Qi Yao (2019). Active normal faulting along the Seerteng Shan, North China: Geometry and kinematics. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,184, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.103976

20. Chuanqi He#, Gang Rao*, Rong Yang, Jianmin Hu, Qi Yao, Ci-Jian Yang (2019). Divide migration in response to asymmetric uplift: Insights from the Wula Shan horst, North China. Geomorphology, 339, 44–57. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.04.024

19. Jianhua Qiu, Gang Rao, Xin Wang, Disheng Yang, Lixin Xiao (2019). Effects of fault slip distribution on the geometry and kinematics of the southern Junggar fold-and-thrust belt, northern Tian Shan. Tectonophysics, 772, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2019.228209

18. Chuanqi He#, Yali Cheng#, Gang Rao*, Peng Chen, Jianmin Hu, Yangli Yu, Qi Yao (2018). Geomorphological signatures of the evolution of active normal faults along the Langshan Mountains, North China. Geodinamica Acta, 30(1), 163–182. doi:10.1080/09853111.2018.1458935

17. Yali Cheng#, Chuanqi He#, Gang Rao*, Bing Yan, Aiming Lin, Jianmin Hu, Yangli Yu, Qi Yao (2018). Geomorphological and structural characterization of the southern Weihe Graben, central China: Implications for fault segmentation. Tectonophysics, 722, 11–24. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.10.024

16. Gang Rao*, Chuanqi He#, Yali Cheng#, Yangli Yu, Jianmin Hu, Peng Chen, Qi Yao (2018). Active normal faulting along the Langshan Piedmont Fault, North China: Implications for slip partitioning in the western Hetao Graben. Journal of Geology, 126, 99–118. doi:10.1086/694748

15. 唐鹏程, ,李世琴,余养里(2018).盐层厚度对褶皱拼接样式的影响:以库车褶皱-冲断带西段前缘背斜带为例.地质学报, 92(3), 437–448.

14. Pengcheng Tang, Gang Rao*, Shiqin Li, Yangli Yu, Yangwen Pei, Xin Wang, Zhongyue Shen, Ninghua Chen, Bo Zhao (2017). Lateral structural variations and drainage response along the Misikantage anticline in the western Kuqa fold-and-thrust belt, southern Tianshan, NW China. Tectonophysics, 721, 196–210. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.10.007

13. Gang Rao*, Yali Cheng#, Aiming Lin, Bing Yan (2017). Relationship between landslides and active normal faulting in the epicentral area of the AD 1556 M ~8.5 Huaxian earthquake, SE Weihe Graben (central China). Journal of Earth Science, 28, 545–554. doi:10.1007/s12583-017-0900-z  

12. Gang Rao*, Yali Cheng#, Yangli Yu, Bing Yan, Aiming Lin (2017). Tectonic characteristics of the Lishan Piedmont Fault in the SE Weihe Graben (central China), as revealed by the geomorphological and structural analyses. Geomorphology, 282, 52–63. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.01.014

11. Gang Rao*, Peng Chen, Jianmin Hu, Yangli Yu, Jianhua Qiu (2016). Timing of Holocene paleo-earthquakes along the Langshan Piedmont Fault in the western Hetao Graben, North China: Implications for seismic risk. Tectonophysics, 677–678, 115–124. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.03.035

10. Yangli Yu, Xin Wang, Gang Rao, Renfu Wang (2016). Mesozoic reactivated transpressional structures and multi-stage tectonic deformation along the Hong-Che fault zone in the northwestern Junggar Basin, NW China. Tectonophysics, 679, 156–168. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.04.039

9. Gang Rao, Aiming Lin, Bing Yan (2015). Paleoseismic study on active normal faults in the southeastern Weihe Graben, central China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 114, 212–225. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.04.031

8. 唐鹏程, ,李世琴,汪仁富(2015).库车褶皱-冲断带前缘盐层厚度对滑脱褶皱构造特征及演化的影响.地学前缘,22, 312-327.

7. Gang Rao, Aiming Lin, Bing Yan, Dong Jia, Xiaojun Wu (2014). Tectonic activity and structural features of active intracontinental normal faults in the Weihe Graben, central China. Tectonophysics, 636, 270–285. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2014.08.019

6. Yiquan Li, Dong Jia, Maomao Wang, Shaw J.H., Jiankun He, Aiming Lin, Lin Xiong, Gang Rao (2014). Structural geometry of the source region for the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan earthquake: Implication for earthquake hazard assessment along the Longmen Shan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 390, 275–286. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.01.018

5. Maomao Wang, Dong Jia, Aiming Lin, Li Shen, Gang Rao, Yiquan Li (2013). Late Holocene activity and historical earthquakes of the Qiongxi thrust fault system in the southern Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Tectonophysics, 584, 102–113. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.08.019

4. 李世琴,唐鹏程, (2013).南天山库车褶皱-冲断带喀拉玉尔滚构造带新生代变形特征及其控制因素.地球科学(中国地质大学学报), 38, 859-869.

3. Gang Rao, Aiming Lin (2011). Distribution of inundation by the great tsunami of the 2011 Mw 9.0 off Pacific Coast of Tohoku (Japan) earthquake, as revealed by ALOS imagery data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32, 7073–7086. doi:10.1080/01431161.2011.613415

2. Gang Rao, Aiming Lin, Bing Yan, Dog Jia, Xiaojun Wu, Zhikun Ren (2011). Co-seismic Riedel shear structures produced by the 2010 Mw 6.9 Yushu earthquake, central Tibetan Plateau, China. Tectonophysics, 507, 86–94. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2011.05.011

1. Zhikun Ren, Aiming Lin, Gang Rao (2010). Late Pleistocene–Holocene activity of the Zemuhe Fault on the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonophysics, 495, 324–336. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2010.09.039