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20240529 泡沫辅助地下CO2封存的潜力和挑战

发布日期:2024年05月20日       供稿:       编辑:gz201806       审核:       点击:[]


报告题目:泡沫辅助地下CO2封存的潜力和挑战(Potential and Challenges for Foam-Assisted Subsurface CO2 Storage

报 告 人:William R. Rossen

报告时间:上午9:30-10:30, 2024.05.29



William R. Rossen,代尔夫特理工大学地球科学与工程系荣退教授,前美国德克萨斯奥斯汀分校石油与地质工程学院院长,国际知名泡沫驱与碳封存专家,CMG和挪威提高采收率中心顾问。Rossen教授于1976年和1982年分别在麻省理工和明尼苏达获得学士和博士学位。1989-2006年,就职于德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校地球系统工程系。于2006-至今,就职于代尔夫特理工理工大学,任地球科学与工程系主任。Rossen教授发表科技论文219余篇,H指数45 Scopus),同行引用量达12000+ 2006年和2002年荣获”SPE杰出贡献杰出会员荣誉,2011年被评为代尔夫特理工大学最佳教师2012年荣获 “SPE提高采收率先驱荣誉。职业生涯科研经费超8000万,主要研究领域包括泡沫流度控制理论、二氧化碳利用与埋存、酸液导流、土壤治理、地热开发等。


Foam is a promising means to assist in the permanent, safe subsurface sequestration of CO2, whether in aquifers or as part of an enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) process. Here we review first the basic mechanisms of foam generation, mobility and propagation in geological formations. The advantages demonstrated for foam that would assist CO2 sequestration include improved sweep efficiency and increased residual trapping, reducing the amount of CO2 in the override zone and stress on the overburden. We also briefly review the research and field-trial literature on CO2 foam sweep efficiency, capillary gas trapping in foam, issues involved in surfactant selection for CO2 foam applications, foam field trials, and the state of the art from laboratory and modelling research on CO2 foam properties, to present the prospects and challenges for foam-assisted CO2 sequestration.

Challenges to foam-assisted CO2 sequestration include the following: 1) verifying the advantages indicated by laboratory research at the field scale 2) optimizing surfactant performance, while further reducing cost and adsorption if possible 3) long-term chemical stability of surfactant, and dilution of surfactant in the foam bank by flow of water. Residual gas must reside in place for decades, even if surfactant degrades or is diluted. 4) optimizing injectivity and sweep efficiency in the field-design strategy.






下一条:20240529 均质多孔介质中CO2泡沫产生和运移临界阈值研究
